Sales and Marketing

Loyalty is not Black and White

There have been a number of articles written regarding loyalty as if it were a black-and-white topic. The authors have made loyalty appear to be a term something like pregnancy. You’re either pregnant or you’re not.

Marketing Orchestration? That’s My Line!

As a music major and former music teacher, I’m biased towards using musical metaphors. Marketing orchestration—a new buzz phrase coined by Forrester Research for Responsys. What is it?

Embrace the Limb

For all the words I write on branding, everything I’m saying boils down to this: if you’re not playing, you’re losing.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Content

“The first thing to understand about content strategy is that no two people understand it the same way. It’s a relatively new—and extremely broad—discipline with no single definitive definition.”

Evolve Your Email Marketing

The effectiveness of email is continuing to rise. As consumer expectations and technology evolve, so must your approach. 29% of consumers now open email on their mobile device, yet only 2% of companies have an advanced mobile email marketing strategy.

Marketing That Sticks: 7 Winning Inbound Marketing Campaign Strategies

What does it take for a marketing campaign strategy to really draw the target audience in and make a long lasting high impact impression? Here are seven winning marketing campaign strategies sure to make your marketing shtick strong enough to stick around.

Reach Your Perfect Customer on Facebook

Want to reach customers based on location, age, interests and other demographics? Then Facebook’s advertising service may be just the right fit.

Why is a Personal Brand Important?

Your personal brand includes your skills, personality, behaviors, values, experiences, words, attitudes, and image. And, even though your personal brand may be experienced differently by your various networks, it is still YOU.

Laithwaites Wines Takes a Page from Amazon

One easy way to find ideas for improving your business is to study dominant businesses in other markets. Many times you can adopt a strategy or technique and apply it directly to your own business.

Small Business Marketing: Tips from Peter Drucker

One of the most important things to remember about marketing strategy is that marketing and sales are two different things. Always remember, the best marketing tips for small businesses will fail unless you put yourself in your customers’ shoes.

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