
2nd Time’s a Charm: Trying Again is the Winning Strategy

There is no shame in trying and failing. Life is like baseball. It is mostly failure with a few notable successes. Think about it: A baseball player batting 300 is considered wildly successful. That player…

Is Covid-19 The End Of The Trade Fair?

Anyone familiar with international trade will surely know what a trade fair is: a bustling, crowded place, usually situated at the outskirts of big international cities, where small and medium enterprises show off their best…

5 Essential Marketing Strategies to Adapt During COVID-19 

COVID-19 has caused immense problems for businesses around the globe, so it’s been more important than ever that companies have been able to adapt in order to survive.  “Finding a silver lining to the current…

Here’s What the Latest Studies Show About COVID Marketing

If your smaller business or nonprofit is struggling during the pandemic, you can’t stop marketing to save money. That would make things worse. Now is the time to target your marketing tactics on the most…

Forecasting Demand and Sales Post Pandemic

Many small businesses are in the dark right now. No one knows what the future holds because of COVID-19. Forecasting demand and sales post pandemic is something many people are concerned about, and this guide…

4 Steps to Game the Sales Cycle During & After COVID-19

COVID-19 has disrupted all aspects of our society. The traditional approach to sales has been broken by stay at home orders, social distancing, and widespread uncertainty. Without clarity on when things will normalize we must…

How To Do Marketing After The Pandemic

The public health pandemic continues to rage unabated across the United States, but all things must eventually pass. When the economic shutdown ends and companies everywhere begin to eagerly reopen their doors, a new kind…

Tips for Retail Business Owners During the COVID-19 Recovery

The global coronavirus pandemic has upended most businesses in countries that are affected by the virus. On top of that, global supply chains have been disrupted and this has also meant that business owners are…

Five Tips for Retailers in the Pandemic

The future appears to belong to Amazon, Walmart, and all of those other massive cookie-cutter retailers which have survived due to the coronavirus epidemic. Those stores have seen empty shelves while other retailers struggle to…

Coronavirus (COVID-19) — Key Resources for Small Business Owners

US Small Business Resources COVID-19 information The main US COVID-19 website outlines the American Government’s response to the coronavirus. Currently, the primary source of business information is US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has a…

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