Sales and Marketing
How to Stop Selling and Start Educating
I’ve just completed a workshop teaching branding to graphic design firms from Canada and the United States. As part of that training, confidence in selling is a crucial element in delivering branding to their customers.
How Your Website Design Affects Your Business Success
With the knowledge you’ve gained about business success in recent years, you likely realize that a suitable internet presence plays a significant role in it. However, break that down even more. Not only does your presence on the internet help to attract buyers, but your website design does as well.
How 3 Brands Won Big with Content Promotion
More and more marketers are finding new and creative ways to ensure their content gets seen by the audiences that matter most to their brands. From native paid channels to influencer outreach, new tactics of content promotion are becoming popular.
If You Aren’t Building Value, Someone Else Is!
Customers don’t buy products (even though that’s what’s on the PO). They buy value. They buy the greatest value that’s created for the investment they are making. They are buying both what they’ve experienced in value creation and what they expect over the relationship.
5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Google Analytics
Let’s be honest, Google Analytics is awesome. You instantly have access to a trove of website and consumer data, helping inform online decisions. But it can also easily overwhelm you with the scale of data and opportunities for analysis.
Using Data to Build Consumer Relationships: 3 Tips for Success
As a marketer, you understand the importance of building solid customer relationships. Relationships can make the difference between a potential sale being lost and a loyal, long-time customer that returns and refers others time and time again.
Use “Switching Costs” to Your Marketing Advantage
Know the cost to move from your existing platform, and estimate the switching costs for moving from a competitor’s product or service to yours. Offer incentives to existing customers to stay, and for competitor’s customers to switch.
Redesigning Your Blog: Top 3 Pitfalls to Avoid
It’s no wonder why people are moving from Flash to HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 5 for their websites or blogs. The fifth version of HTML not only supports text and links, but also multimedia enhancements such as video, audio, music, and graphics.