Sales and Marketing

Do You Know How Your Customer is Measured?

Metrics are important to knowing how we are doing in achieving our goals. Some of those metrics are critical in evaluating performance or to our compensation plans. Every sales person understands how they are measured and are driven to achieve their goals.

Does Your Business Really Need Social Media?

Many businesses are lagging behind in adopting social media at their companies for a variety of reasons. There is no mistaking the fact that social media marketing has resulted in countless marketing successes, however, despite these figures some businesses want more evidence to prove the benefits of social media before expending the costs.

Multiple Channels, One Marketing Strategy

Picture, for a moment, your online presence as a seamless display of your brand’s culture and strategy that aims to attract new customers while also interacting with existing customers. Sounds pretty great, right?

Cause Marketing and Why Customers Care

You’ve probably heard of cause marketing before. We see examples every year, from Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty, which promotes positive body image, to Lee’s National Denim Day, which raises awareness of breast cancer via an initiative to donate $5 for the right to wear jeans to work on October’s first Friday.

The LALA School of Marketing

Let’s focus not upon the process of marketing and positioning, but on you. How should you become the best marketer you can be, even if you are a first time entrepreneur or a seasoned CEO?

5 Tips for Getting Over Stage Fright

Whether you are speaking to group of two in a sales presentation or you’re standing at a podium, with hundreds of eyes on you, the intent is the same. Have stage fright? You’re not alone. They say that our greatest fear, once you’ve eliminated death as a choice, is public speaking.

20 Twitter Facts and Stats You Need to Know in 2014

What first attracted me to Twitter and social media six years ago was that you could achieve world wide marketing for free. It’s called organic reach. This enabled bloggers to build global brands.

Before We Can “Teach” Our Customers, We Have to Learn From Them

Teaching our customers is a cornerstone of Challenger, Insight Selling, and just plain good sales practice. We want to help our customers learn. It’s actually not that new a concept—we’ve always taught our customers something. It used to be about our products, or our solutions, or our companies.

Return Policy and Sales

A return policy is a crucial component of any sales and marketing strategy. However, so many businesses forget how important it is to their ability to sell products and services.

Beautiful Fonts for Your Website

When putting together a website, your font choices are just as important as your content. Within the past few years fonts are being made available online for web designers.

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