Sales and Marketing


Does Your Business Need Blueprints?

In April 2012, I wrote a post that brought 30 times my normal traffic to my blog. After averaging 200 visitors a day, it felt like a miracle.

Content Marketing Tips: Image Rules for the Top 7 Social Networks

Research shows that images and visuals have huge impact on sharing and even web traffic. If you just look at Facebook. 87% of total interactions (sharing, clicks and comments) can be attributed to just photos.
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4 Internet Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Local Business Sales

Local small businesses often need some marketing tips tailored specifically to their endeavors. As you consider Internet marketing ideas, you need to first have a website that your current and prospective customers can take a look at.

Incumbency is Not a Strategy

When you first onboard a new customer, you immediately enter the honeymoon period. You’re thrilled to be working with them, and they’re thrilled to have your products or services.

4 Essential Elements of Customer Engagement

Every company provides customer service, and good customer service just doesn’t cut it anymore. Your customers expect a lot out of your company. They want an experience, not an uneventful interaction.

How to Remove Google Analytics Referral Spam

Referral spam (also referrer or log spam) is bogus information that can skew analytics data and the reports that come from it. The image below is an example from a low-traffic website where the spikes are easy to see.

No One Likes You

Like millions of businesses around the world, at some point in time, you decided to hop on the Facebook train. You created a presence with either enthusiasm or disdain (seems everyone starts at one end of the spectrum or the other) and posted your first update.

Why You Need to Create Boring Content

Many marketers start their content journey with the goal of virality by creating blog titles like “10 Tips for Writing Better Blogs” or “5 Ways to Enhance Your Content.” While these posts may garner a lot of hits, do they really help when it comes to increasing your company’s monthly revenue?

How Apartment Owners Can Use a Marketing Service

Some businesses still do not understand why they should be actively marketing online beyond their web presence. An apartment rental is one industry that may feel that way.

5 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Disrupt Your Business

You have been running your business for a long time. Life is good. Sales are holding up. The admin processes and technology systems are nailed. You have your eye on your competitors and industry. The business model is stable.

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