Sales and Marketing

Why Your Website NEEDS an SEO Audit

In our agency we always recommend and perform an SEO audit for all new clients. Without understanding clearly what is technically wrong with the website, no amount of off-site SEO is going to work well….

What is AdWords Smart Bidding? Automated Bidding Strategies

With the advent of machine learning in various facets of our lives—whether it be at home, with personal AI assistants like Alexa, or at work—the technological and digital landscape is rapidly changing. The nature of…

Digital Signage Trends for 2018 and Beyond

Digital signage has long since moved past being the latest “cool trend for the future” and has become a useful business staple, in fact, it’s arguably close to being a must-have for businesses. As is…

The Case Against Storytelling in Content Marketing

My industry colleague and friend, Douglas Karr, inspired me to take on this topic. It’s been a subject of conversation I’ve had for a number of years at conferences and industry events. He poignantly points out,…

Is Social Media Marketing Really Effective?

It’s hard to believe that social media has been around since 1997 when the earliest networking site, SixDegrees launched! (It doesn’t exist anymore.) During the 2000s, we saw many of our currently favorite sites appear. Now,…

What Will Make an Inbound Marketing Campaign Successful in 2018?

The year 2017 was a landmark year for digital marketing, in which many brands suddenly “awakened” to the need for great content that attracts customers instead of interrupting them. Thus, content overload worsened…and a lot…

Are You Using This Clever Facebook Strategy to Boost Your B2B Sales?

Most of us have developed at least fair skills at Google searches, but for many small business owners there may be a search platform that will pay far quicker dividends than Google. I’m talking about…

An Experienced Coach Has Seen Your Movie Before

Business coaches come in all sizes and shapes. Entrepreneurs will have a relative willing to devote time, a school friend with business experience, professionals who charge for the service, investors with a reason to promote…

Product versus Solution Selling

It must be that time of year, but recently I’ve gotten a number of queries from thoughtful executives: “Dave, we need to transform the way we sell from product to solution selling……” That statement is…

How to Use Street Teams to Build Brand Awareness

Consumers are constantly bombarded with digital marketing materials, from social media ads and paid search ads to blast emails and weekly newsletters. It’s hard for brands to cut through the clutter and show value to…

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