Sales and Marketing

Why Improving the Customer Experience Matters: A Love Story

Creating a love affair with your customer takes time, patience and empathy. This is a journey that involves new discoveries, exploration and mutual benefit; there will be ups and downs that you, your team and your customers will experience along the way.

Mastering PPC: Tips and Tricks for Image Ads

Text ads may be the bread and butter of the paid search industry, but there is another ad type that also pulls its weight around the paid search house, and can be used in conjunction with your text ads. I’m talking about image ads.

3 Steps to Create a Local Communication Strategy

Becoming the friendly neighborhood national company requires business owners to create a niche communication strategy—one that joins the conversations already taking place in the community and provides clear solutions for the community members’ everyday challenges, needs and aspirations.

Focused Sales Presentations

One of the basic tenets of sales you should keep in mind is that people don’t want what something is, they want what it does. As the famous example goes, nobody wants a quarter-inch drill; what they want is a quarter-inch hole. People want what your product or service does, not what it is.

VIDEO: Why Relying on Word of Mouth Marketing May Doom Your Business

Referrals are a great way to grow your business, but relying on them too early can crush your chances of getting the customers you need.

Top 6 Small Business Video Marketing Strategies

Among small business owners, the one of the top hesitations to video marketing is cost. Unlike Coca-Cola and Red Bull, you probably don’t have the budget to hire an expensive production team. All you may have at your disposal is high definition camera and a computer—but that’s probably all that you need.

Are Your Marketing Emails Part of the 22% That Never Arrive?

According to a new report by Return Path, reported in E-consultancy, “Just over one in five (22%) commercial emails sent globally on the first half of 2013 never made it to the subscriber’s inbox.” Now, that may sound like the odds are in your favor—until you wonder if your organization is part of that 22%!

57 Ways to Boost Your Blog Traffic

Using effective tactics that boost your blog traffic is the first step in achieving a variety of goals. Those objectives could include selling products and services, building brand awareness, positioning yourself as a thought leader, or connecting and networking.

The Benefits of Holding Your Own Convention

When you attend a traditional convention, they will make crucial decisions about the specific agenda, topics to be covered, speakers, venue, etc. This is fine, but it leaves you very little choice. You must find and attend a conference that mostly suits your needs, and it may or may not be in location that has any interest for you.

Shifting Our Perspective: Who Has the Problem We Solve?

The shift in perspective is small, but its impact on our results is profound. Stop looking for people to sell your products, services, and solutions to. Look for the people who have the problems you solve.

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