Sales and Marketing

Cultural Sensitivity: How to Approach International Executives

Whether you’re an entrepreneur with international exposure or you’ve merely heard stories about cultural diversity, I’m sure you’re aware of how delicate interactions can be in a foreign environment.

The Way to Get the Most out of Every Lead

An online ad addressed to a specific segment of your market is a double-edged sword. While a targeted ad can positively influence the buying behavior of your audience, it can also cause the rest of the market to feel disconnected when they don’t see how the ad is relevant to them.

When Should a Company Re-Brand?

There are many good reasons why a company might want to re-brand. Entrepreneurs by their nature see the benefits in upping their game. Constantly raising the bar within their category keeps the competition on edge.

Smaller B2B Companies Outdo Larger Ones on Content Marketing

Here’s a switch. Smaller businesses—those with 10-99 employees—are outdoing large companies with over 1,000 employees on content marketing strategy.

The Small Business Social Media Cheat Sheet

If you’re just getting your toes wet with social media, then you’ve come to the right place. This Social Media Cheat Sheet provides an overview on setting up your profile and some basic lingo for six of the major social media platforms.

How Not to Advertise

To get the most out of your advertising, you need to make a clear call to action for your potential customers, and give them a sense of urgency. However, many businesses get it wrong.

Business Brand Content Best Practice Tactics on Google Plus

There are many types of businesses that are struggling to market with Google+, they can be business that sell to businesses (B2B) or those that deal directly with consumers (B2C). They can be small, medium or large.

Using Mobile Marketing to Promote Your Small Business

There’s no doubt that mobile marketing is one of the easiest and best ways to gain customers for your small business. People who carry smartphones and use tablets hardly ever put them down!

“Is There Anyone Else We Should Be Talking To?”

Sometimes we become so task focused, we lose site of the bigger picture and what we could be doing. And we forget something critical, we forget to ask, “Is there anyone else we should be talking to?”

Setting Bold List-Building Goals (and 3 Lessons Learned Along the Way)

There are different types of motivators that work for different people. For some, just an inner knowing that they want to achieve something is necessary for them to take action and make it happen. For others, no matter how good their intentions are, if they aren’t being held accountable by an outside force, they’ll continue to avoid doing it.

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