Sales and Marketing

How to Attract People Who Are Ready to Work with You

Nearly everyone I speak with has the same issues and more often than not they experience frustration around people approaching them only to tell them they aren’t ready to sign up yet.

Plant Some Marketing Seeds

By the time a farmer is harvesting his crop, he’s already well into the planning of his upcoming planting season. We marketing types could learn a lot from those farmers.

Secrets to a Killer Viral Video

A viral video is one that becomes popular through internet sharing, typically through video sharing websites, social media and email. There is no secret formula to making a video spread like wildfire, but there are ways you can market your video to give it what it needs to go viral, even if some of that is just a little luck.

Lights, Camera, Action! What Small Business Owners Can Learn from TV PR Stunts

The world of television PR is exciting and dynamic. Stunts are frequently large and elaborate, often involving a slew of celebrities and high-profile coverage. Even though their budgets are more modest, small business owners can take inspiration from these big-budget publicity events.

Google’s Changing: 4 Inbound Marketing Practices to Retain Your Ranking

Whether you’ve noticed it or not, Google has been making a lot of changes to its search algorithms – the search engine mogul has introduced 45 major algorithm updates in the last three years, in addition to about 600 small modifications it makes annually.

Is Automating Your Social Media in Your Business Plans?

Social media is becoming one of the greatest marketing tools out there, especially for small businesses. Between Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube, you can reach and advertise to billions of people on any given day with just the click of a button.

4 Ways to Kick Your Q4 Marketing Plan into High Gear

I’m guessing that for you, the fourth quarter means more activity, anxiety, and income than other times of the year. While you can’t bury your head from what is the busiest retail season of the year, you can be smarter about how you market for it.

5 Marketing Lessons from Justin Timberlake

Could it be that if we stopped and analyzed how Justin has strategically developed his career, we’d find some key trends that can be applied to our own business? Even if our business has nothing to do with music? Or tequila? Or ‘bringing sexy back’?

The Bottom Line Effect of Caring for Your Customers

Top sales people don’t just get to where they are because they make a lot of calls, or because they know the best closing techniques. In most cases, their clients have come to see them less as commission earners and more as trusted partners.

How to Help Your Business Stand Out at a Trade Show

Trade shows are a fantastic way for you to really make your business stand out from all the competition. That’s because here, you’re given a platform to put your marketing materials on display for potential clients.

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