Sales and Marketing

5 Great Social Media Analytics Tools

After evaluating lots of social media tools that try to visualize your online presence, your posts, people in your network, and messages in your network, here are some tools that caught my eye.

A 5-Step Beginner’s Guide to Video Marketing

Video marketing: You’ve heard the experts talk about it, the gurus blog about it, and your business peers rave about it, but how do you get started?  What is the first step to creating your own engaging video content, and how can you share your videos with the world?

The Perfect Facebook Post

Images on Facebook are the most shared of any media. Creating a perfect Facebook post for images may not be possible, but here are 7 tips to help you move along the spectrum of excellence towards a “God like” Facebook post.

16 Tips for Networking Smarter

If networking intimidates you—or you think you’re all set and don’t need to do it to begin with!—think again. Refer back to these tips the next time you’re looking for a reference for a personal or business service, a job lead, a new hire, or any number of other things a strong network can provide.

What You Need to Know About On-Demand Marketing

Never heard of on-demand marketing? You will. On-demand marketing is exactly as it sounds: Servicing customers 24/7. “Not just always ‘on,’ but also always relevant, responsive to the consumer’s desire for marketing that cuts through the noise with pinpoint delivery.”

“I Need An Excuse to Get Back Into the Customer”

I hear it all the time: “I need an excuse to get back into the customer.” Creating excuses to get back into the customer is nothing but old sales mythology. It does nothing to serve us or the customer.

How to Destroy Your Social Media Credibility Through Automation

Automation of social media activity is not without its price. Brands who automate too much risk appearing cold and inhuman, and can potentially loser followers and opportunities for engagement.

Is Your Public Relations Strategy Outdated?

In the past, public relations required a client to pay a large retainer in order to be mentioned in a sidebar or get quick features published, promoting a service or product. Today, the future of PR is online, and it includes a combination of content marketing, SEO and thought leadership. Times are changing, and there are some things you should take into consideration when you’re making decisions about your startup’s PR.

Is Podcasting the Hot New Media Trend?

Podcasting was cool when I started blogging four years ago, but as social media became fashionable, Facebook and Twitter made podcasting look a tad obsolescent and dowdy. So why is podcasting having a resurrection? It is due to two key factors.

Don’t Confuse Buying and Selling!

Buyers and sellers are different sides of the same coin. Without each other, it is difficult to achieve our goals. Effective buying and selling has to be aligned to a common goal—driven by the customer. But we can’t confuse our roles.

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