Sales and Marketing
Use This Invention from 1870 to Build Relationships (and Links)
Yes, you guessed it. The phone. Picking up the phone to have a conversation is nothing new. People have been doing it for quite some time and, turns out, it still works! Email and social media platforms are great, but hearing someone’s voice adds character to a conversation.
Write Press Releases to Find Business
Many people send out a release on silly things and expect to get publicity. If you want your release to be picked up by legitimate media either online or off, then make sure you have some news that is unique, interesting, controversial or about a famous person.
8 Good Reasons Why You Should be Blogging
“Start a Blog.” It’s probably on your list of “shoulds” for your business. What’s holding you back? Now could be the time to start. Here are some good reasons why.
Is Your Business Too Professional? Part 1
The benefits of professionalism are well known: increased perception of respectability, authority, trust, and dependability. But is there a downside to professionalism? Is it possible to be too professional?
Pros and Cons of Infographics for Small Biz
Infographics provide eye-catching information for consumers since most people are visual learners. When handled appropriately they can drive immense traffic and even result in sales conversions.
Developing a Global Strategy
Once you’ve decided which foreign country you’d like to enter, it’s time to develop a strategy for how to successfully penetrate the market and create an immediate impact on sales for your business. Here are a few steps that I suggest taking to ensure you’re ready to take your business international.
Why Would I Pick You?
Marketing 101 is that you need to understand how you’re different from your competitors. It is perfectly logical: if you cannot differentiate yourself in terms of what you sell, how you sell it, or why you sell it, the only differentiator left is price.
Shooting from the Lip
Customers don’t want a knee jerk reaction. They don’t want the rehearsed response. They want to invest their time with people who are prepared, who are ready to engage in high impact conversations about their businesses.