Sales and Marketing
How to Increase After-Holiday Sales: Fill the Gap
During the pre-holiday season customers are buying gifts for everyone on their lists, sales are good and you’re making money. What happens when the holiday buying is over and sales come to an almost screeching halt?
Top 10 Content Distribution and Promotion Thought Leaders
With the year coming to a close, it’s time to take a look back and identify those folks we believe had the biggest impact on the emerging content distribution and promotion industry.
The Most Amazing Holiday Brand Experience of 2013
WestJet, a Canadian airline that flies to more than 80 destinations in North America, Central America and the Caribbean, pulled off this holiday surprise that is sure to make these passengers brand loyal for life.
SEO vs. Content Marketing: What’s the Difference?
Two common terms that I see being mentioned a lot in the same context are “SEO” and “content marketing.” Let’s get one thing straight. These are NOT the same thing. Let me explain.
7 Tips for Mentors to Establish an Effective Relationship
I just finished reading Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In, and the “Are You My Mentor?” chapter really stood out for me. It highlighted an issue I’ve grappled with for years: how awkward and ineffective a formal mentorship can be.
Re-Sharing Can Benefit Your Brand
We all know that person on Facebook or Twitter: the one who re-posts the same status, the same opinion, the same article over and over again. Many businesses strive to avoid this repetitive tactic in order to keep their content fresh and their readers engaged.
The Missing Piece to the Influencer Puzzle
If influence is the ability to move a person(s) to a desired and appropriate action, then what is its lynchpin? What is that one thing that will make the difference?
The 7 Key Elements to Creating Successful Infographics
Communication has changed so fast in the last decade that it is almost another language. The change extends not just to the words and platforms but also to visual communication.