Sales and Marketing

Re-Sharing Can Benefit Your Brand

We all know that person on Facebook or Twitter: the one who re-posts the same status, the same opinion, the same article over and over again. Many businesses strive to avoid this repetitive tactic in order to keep their content fresh and their readers engaged.

7 Tips for Mentors to Establish an Effective Relationship

I just finished reading Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In, and the “Are You My Mentor?” chapter really stood out for me. It highlighted an issue I’ve grappled with for years: how awkward and ineffective a formal mentorship can be.

The Missing Piece to the Influencer Puzzle

If influence is the ability to move a person(s) to a desired and appropriate action, then what is its lynchpin? What is that one thing that will make the difference?

The 7 Key Elements to Creating Successful Infographics

Communication has changed so fast in the last decade that it is almost another language. The change extends not just to the words and platforms but also to visual communication.

The Golden Rule in Selling

There is a golden rule in selling: “Spend more time with better prospects.” So, what are the characteristics of an ideal or “better” prospect? Below listed are 7.

Is Your Content Marketing Voice Fake?

Content marketers often worry about creating an authentic voice for their brand. But what if trying to appear authentic actually makes us look less authentic?

The 7 Steps of the Inbound Marketing Campaign Process

The business world is always trying to figure out how to use process to create scale. Makes sense, right? With good process comes scale, and with scale comes higher profitability. The same holds true in marketing. Properly deployed inbound marketing requires many different things to happen. Forgetting just one can ruin the whole campaign.

5 Benefits of Using Green Screen Backgrounds in Web Video

With user-friendly video software and cheap materials, green screen is now easily available to the general public. There are many unique and interesting ways to utilize a green screen to take your videos to the next level.

Radio Still Scores for Local Advertising

Remember radio? It’s that dial-type listening device on your car’s dashboard. Have you turned it on recently? Well, it turns out that more than 90% of Americans listen to the radio each week.

The Loyal Bird Catches the Worm: Rewarding Your Repeat Customers

The great thing about being a small business owner is getting to know your customers. The folks who come into your shop frequently or contact you on a regular basis are the ones whose stories you remember and whose favorite brand of leather boots you keep in stock.

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