Sales and Marketing

10 Marketing Psychological Studies for the DIY Entrepreneur

Have you ever stopped to consider what motivates your audience to click, share, favorite, and purchase from you? Ever since high school, I’ve been enamored with how we act and interact as humans. In time,…

10 Top Digital Marketing Automation Tools That Could Transform Your Business

It was 2008. Trying to find a way to shorten a link for Twitter to get the tweet under 140 characters was a challenge. You needed a tool to do that simple task. Then I…


Are You Minding Your Packaging?

The smartest brands know that having an awesome product/service is important, but how you present that awesome product or service matters, too. Yes, it probably costs more. And yes, it means you have to keep…

10 Qualities I’d Look for in a Business Partner

Here are 10 qualities I’d look for in a future business partner: Integrity. The whole truth, not just the good news. Actually I want to know the bad news instantly; and the good news can…

4 Tips to Create an About Us Page That Converts

According to Moz, the About Us page is one of the most frequented on any website. It gives your business a chance to break down the facade of anonymity of the Internet and show its…


Setting Up a Social Employee Marketing Strategy

To maximize the effectiveness of social campaigns, businesses can turn their employees into what Rutgers business professor Mark Burgess calls social employees.

Does Your Business Need Blueprints?

In April 2012, I wrote a post that brought 30 times my normal traffic to my blog. After averaging 200 visitors a day, it felt like a miracle.

Content Marketing Tips: Image Rules for the Top 7 Social Networks

Research shows that images and visuals have huge impact on sharing and even web traffic. If you just look at Facebook. 87% of total interactions (sharing, clicks and comments) can be attributed to just photos.
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4 Internet Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Local Business Sales

Local small businesses often need some marketing tips tailored specifically to their endeavors. As you consider Internet marketing ideas, you need to first have a website that your current and prospective customers can take a look at.

Incumbency is Not a Strategy

When you first onboard a new customer, you immediately enter the honeymoon period. You’re thrilled to be working with them, and they’re thrilled to have your products or services.

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