Sales and Marketing

Why You Should Use Bulk Text to Promote Your Small Business

If you run a small business, I’m sure the idea about sending a bulk text to your customers has crossed your mind. Everyone is texting these days… and it’s one of the hottest methods to…

How to Convert “Likes” into Meaningful Behavior

If one of your social media marketing goals is to get more Facebook “likes,” you need to read this! “Merely liking a brand on Facebook doesn’t change behavior or increase purchasing.” (Harvard Business Review, March-April…

Help! My Digital Display Ads Aren’t Working

I recently got an email from a reader who was struggling with their digital display ads. They were underperforming and the business owner was considering pulling the ads. Here’s what I said back to her….

6 Social Media Lessons from Popular Brands

Don’t Ignore Your Social Followers Now that just about every business has a social media presence, the traditional days of customer service are long gone. Some customers may still call or email your company directly,…

How to Optimize Your Content for Google Answer Boxes

Oh, answer boxes. Position 0 for the majority of its existence has been mystifying as Google seems to reserve this spot for websites that just happen to get lucky. However, as more answer boxes are…

Offseason SEO for Local Businesses

Landscapers, swimming pool service companies, golf courses, ski resorts. What do they all have in common? Their businesses and activity is dictated by the season. Each of these businesses, and others, have entire months when…

5 Best Practices for Amplifying Influencer Content

Thought leadership is all about wielding the power of influence through valuable content that resonates with your buyer personas. Creating a truly valuable content, however, is only half the battle. No matter how great your…

7 Proven Ways to Use Digital Signage in Your Small Business

You’ve probably been to your local fast food chain and noticed that they’ve switched to digital signage for displaying their featured menu items. And if you stop by big stores, you would notice that most…

Small Businesses on Instagram: How to Use the Platform

Instagram’s user base is growing at speed passing the 600 million follower mark back in December 2016. Since it was first introduced five years ago, it has overtaken Twitter to become the social media’s rising…

8 Ways to Market to Customer Emotion as Well as Logic

The average business person fights a customer culture shift, rather than looking for it. For them, change means new risk and extra costs, but it also means new opportunity for growth. In fact, some of…

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