Sales and Marketing

How eCommerce Sites Must Deal With Accessibility in the Age of Coronavirus

As more and more people are self-isolating or self-quarantining at home, the web has become even more essential. Everyone is (supposed to be) staying home until it is once again safe to return to our…

3 Steps to Better Recruitment Marketing

Marketing is the core of every industry, whether it is technology, real estate, food, or any other. And today, when the competition is too high in every industry. No one can survive in the market…

Improve customer retention with these simple strategies

There’s a long-standing debate about whether retention or acquisition is more important. Whatever side of the fence you fall on, you can’t deny that each one has its place. You can acquire all the customers…

How QR Codes Can Boost Your Marketing

With social distancing efforts continuing to put a serious damper on many businesses, entrepreneurs and marketing gurus in every industry imaginable have been forced to think outside of the box in order to lure in…

“I’m Selling As Hard As I Can, Why Aren’t You Buying?”

The universal lament of sales people is, “Why aren’t my customers buying? I’m busting my ass selling to them?” We make dozens of prospecting calls, send hundreds of emails. We find customers with some level…

How to Analyze Lost Sales

Losing a sale never feels good, but it’s a natural, recurring event in any salesperson’s job. That said, if you’re losing sales consistently, you need to take action. Lost sales analysis (sometimes called by different…


A Fintech Guide to Social Learning

With the coronavirus pandemic, every single person across the globe is being asked to stay home — luckily, we live in a digital age where mentorship and learning can occur online. Not to be confused with Wikipedia’s definition of…

5 of the Best Unconventional Marketing Ideas

Are you bored with standard marketing practices and looking for a new way to inform people about your business? Is your business simply a little too different to fit into the ‘normal’ marketing standards? Photo…

How to Build a Blog and Drive Traffic to Your Site

Almost every business with an online presence should have a blog. A blog is one of the best ways to drive organic traffic to your website for very little expenditure and initial outlay. Utilizing your…

Local Business Guide to Boosted Instagram Posts

The Current State of Local Advertising A friend of mine flagged this to me: They were receiving ads on Instagram from local businesses from across the United States. We’re talking about someone who lives in North…

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