Sales and Marketing
Digital Coupon Marketing [Infographic]
Think that coupon marketing is just for the bigger domineering brands? Think again. Digital coupons are an easy and effective way of attracting new customers and rewarding existing customers. 92% of consumers used a coupon in 2013.
5 Tips for an Effective Email Campaign
Every company will tell you they know how to execute effective email marketing campaigns, it’s simple, right? Believe it or not, there are more efficient ways to execute email marketing campaigns.
Go Mobile or Go Home: 3 Reasons You Need a Mobile Marketing Strategy
There’s no arguing that modern marketing trends are always evolving, and with more mobile phone users than ever before, having a mobile marketing strategy is vital to the success of any business.
How to Be a Good Agency Client
For most of us in the marketing world, we serve clients (could be an internal department or external, paying clients) and in most cases, we are also someone else’s client (vendor, strategic partner, agency if you’re client side, etc.) as well.
Isn’t Content Marketing Getting Overcrowded?
To succeed at marketing, in my opinion, one should develop a multichannel marketing plan that fits with target audiences. And, if that includes a mix of traditional and digital channels for your content, go for it!
Don’t Succumb to the Tartle
“Tartles” are common challenges in face-to-face (F2F) networking, and one that causes not a small amount of angst amongst those who want to become successful in building successful relationships.
Ready for the New Facebook Ad Format?
In April, Facebook announced plans to overhaul the right-side column ads. Long-term concerns about engagement and visual quality led to these changes. Facebook is selectively rolling out the new right-side ads with a complete transition occurring August 1st. Here is what you need to know about the new format along with expected impact of the change.
Always Be Closing!
Closing starts long before the first call we ever make on the customer. It starts with identifying our sweet spot—what problems are we the best in the world at solving, who has those problems. It’s virtually impossible to close, at least successfully, if we aren’t focused on the right customers.
Should You Align Your Content Marketing and SEO Efforts?
Organic search is the greatest driver of traffic, at 47 percent of all visits compared to just 6 percent of paid search, according to Conductor. The question, then, is how can you align your efforts to optimize and market content?