Sales and Marketing
10 Simple Tips for Successful Informal Networking
There are plenty of formal networking tips worth sharing, but for now I would like to share with you my top tips for informal networking. I am a firm believer in the philosophy of ALWAYS being on the lookout and ready to meet new people.
You Have to Start at the Beginning
Data shows customers may be 57-70% through their buying process before sales is engaged. Yet we’ve missed the most important part of the buying process.
Want to Increase Your Small Business Sales? Hit the Road
If you are looking for ways to expand your business, consider adding a mobile component. Obviously it has to fit with your business model, but here are three ideas to think about: pick up, delivery and on-location sales.
What Are Buyer Personas & Why Do They Matter?
When it comes to developing your marketing and branding strategy, there is nothing quite so important as having a clear understanding of your target market.
Mixing Content Marketing and Trade Shows
Implementing a content marketing strategy into all aspects of your business model is a must in today’s economy, regardless of the environment. For instance, there are several ways to combine content marketing and trade shows.
Just How Powerful an Influencer Are You?
I define Influence as the ability to move a person(s) to a desired action, usually within the context of a specific goal. Ultimate Influence™ is the ability to get the results you want when dealing with others while helping them feel genuinely good…about themselves, about the situation, and about you.
Get the Most Out of Marketing with Your Small Business
To effectively market to your customers and potential customers, you need to know what will have the greatest impact. This is often achieved through data about your customers.
Do You Know How Your Customer is Measured?
Metrics are important to knowing how we are doing in achieving our goals. Some of those metrics are critical in evaluating performance or to our compensation plans. Every sales person understands how they are measured and are driven to achieve their goals.