Sales and Marketing
The Influence of Product Packaging on the Buying Decision
Product packaging always plays an important role in marketing the goods. It creates a positive image of the brand in the minds of buyers. It acts as the reflection of the message you want to convey and defines the character of a product.
B2B Marketing Must Become More Humanly Relevant
Data, mobile, social media, digital, blah, blah, blah. What’s B2B (business-to-business) marketing all about? Being human!
Bad Commission Plans Drive Bad Sales Behaviors
I’ve been at the periphery of a number of discussions about commissions and sales. Usually, they are very polarized discussions, with people on each side taking extreme positions, neither providing useful or data based arguments, neither listening to each other and each reinforcing the others’ positions.
An Embarrassing Business Story I’ve Never Shared
Today, I’m quite a bit older and hopefully a little bit wiser. I still make mistakes. But I like to think I make fewer of them. And I do my best to minimize the damage when I do make them.
Focus on Customers Who Will Come Back
I recently finished reading Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why” and wanted to share how to apply some of the concepts he discusses directly to customer experience for your business.
How to Win Back Former Customers
Do you remember the children’s song “Make New Friends, but Keep the Old?” Unfortunately many businesses do not, and instead are singularly focused on finding as many new customers as possible.
Stop Networking and Start Building Authentic Relationships
Commonly with networking, people use this old fashioned method of going into every interaction with the intention of seeing what they can get out of someone else.