Sales and Marketing
Stop Networking and Start Building Authentic Relationships
Commonly with networking, people use this old fashioned method of going into every interaction with the intention of seeing what they can get out of someone else.
The Product-Focused Company
Organizing by product lines is a very common business strategy. There’s some great power to this, but if we inflict our organizational structure on the customer, making it hard for them to buy, they’ll always default to the easy to buy choice.
Marketing is a Revenue Generator, Not a Cost Center
I can’t count how many times I’ve sat in on meetings where I felt compelled to defend my marketing budget. “It’s an investment in growth,” I said, as the others on the senior management team rolled their eyes.
5 Steps Toward Improved Reporting
It is truly staggering how many analytics solutions there are to measure just about every facet of your organization. We all use these solutions to churn out countless reports and dashboards to help keep track of it all.
The Thrivers
I’ve been studying David Neagle’s amazing book, The Millions Within and I think this passage from near the end of the book is one of the most terrific I’ve ever read:
The Power of the “Bookbook”: Why Print Marketing Still Matters
There has been discussion for a while now about “the death of print.” This supposed extinction is due in large part to the overwhelming presence of all-things-Internet.
In Marketing, You Eat the Pie One Bite at a Time
No doubt there’s been all kinds of studies done on why we both set and violate our new year’s resolutions each January. I think one of the reasons why resolutions are so seductive and yet so elusive is because they’re too ambitious.
Sponsored Content: 12 Tools to Help You Get Started
With more brands moving from content marketing to marketing content, sponsoring articles on blogs and major media outlets are beginning to raise the brows of many marketers.
How Will You Justify This to Your Management?
Too often, our customers focus on price, consequently we focus on price—after all we want to be responsive to our customers.