Sales and Marketing

Provocation or Obnoxiousness?

The concept of provoking our customers, getting them to think about their businesses differently is a key element of providing insights. Paraphrasing Brent Adamson, to help our customers “unlearn” we have to show them what they are…

4 Ways to Promote Your Business on Snapchat

You may find yourself wondering if there’s a place for your small business on Snapchat. Snapchat is a great place for small businesses, especially if your business targets young people. Today Snapchat is used daily…

The Story of Content: Focus on Your Customers

I came across this excellent Content Marketing Institute produced documentary about content marketing and wanted to share it with you. The one thing about content marketing you need to know from the start is that…

A Creative Way to Get Products in Front of Willing Buyers

Twitter is adding buy buttons. Instagram is doing the same. Amazon offers same-day grocery delivery in several markets. All of these are retail experiments to discover the ideal strategies that use technology to connect buyers…

Location Based Advertising and In-Store Music

The proliferation of smartphones is often seen as having a negative impact on retailers. What small business owners must realize is that they also benefit from the amount of people using their smartphones through location…

How Do We Connect with Our Audience?

We talk about wanting to engage and connect with our audience but what does that actually mean? Global marketers see the value of making their digital interactions with customers and stakeholders richer, more personal and…

4 Mobile Marketing Tips for Social Media

People now spend more time on their smartphones than desktop computers, according to KPCB’s latest data on Internet trends. Though many users rely on mobile devices to check email and text, many also use mobile devices to…

Closing the Sale

Earlier today, I was interviewed for an article on “Closing The Sale.” The article is in a publication focused on small business owners. As we concluded the conversation, the interviewer said, “Your answers were completely…

Hashtag Etiquette for Businesses on Social Media

The use of hashtags on social media has become a common practice not only for regular users but brands as well. Hashtags are great social media marketing tools that help tie campaigns to certain keywords,…

How to Plan the Most Effective Sales Coaching

The vast majority of sales talent is usually developed in the field, since very few people are able to learn sales techniques simply through education. As a result, most businesses realise the importance of good…

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