Sales and Marketing

Does How You Sell Represent Your Company Well?

Customer experience is increasingly a key differentiator in acquiring and retaining customers. But, too often, we look at customer experience in a very narrow way, we think of it as their experience in using our…

Everything You Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Paid Media

This year I took on a couple of ambitious tasks. One was part of my professional development, to learn everything I could about artificial intelligence (AI) and marketing, and the other focused on annual native…

Why Facebook Has a Big Problem

Have we reached peak social? Is our love affair with the shiny new toy ebbing? There are some warning signs. Facebook has just seen a 24% drop in average time spent on site. That’s not a…

This One Marketing Tool That Could Be Just Right for You

One-page websites are on the rise, and might be just what you’re looking for when considering multiple types of website builders. The one-page website has a long history, but in the last few years has…

Scoring User Behavior for Audience Insights

Having the ability to segment your audience and understand your customers is crucial in the digital marketing world. Most of us are familiar with segmenting by gender, location, or interests through Google Analytics’ built-in reports, but…

Don’t Ignore These SEO Problems That Could Be Hurting Your Ranking Power

Search engine optimization or SEO is being utilized by businesses big and small to increase traffic and conversions onsite. The stakes are high as Google AdWords and Bing Ads are gaining more and more real…

It’s Harder to Sell Within Our Own Companies

Tibor Shanto posed an interesting situation in a LinkedIn discussion: Got an interesting question or scenario for people who work with sales managers, presented by an experienced sales manager and her new company. She was…

Custom vs. Curated Content: How to Leverage the Benefits of Both

If you aren’t publishing a mix of custom and curated content in your digital marketing program, you aren’t enjoying all of the benefits available to you. Let’s quickly outline what I mean by these two…

Everything You Need to Know About Influencer Marketing and Artificial Intelligence

One of my professional resolutions for this year was to learn as much as I could about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain. Half of that research has already culminated into a free ebook, entitled, “Everything…

How to Write Marketing Text Messages

When your business uses SMS messaging services, you reach thousands of clients instantly. Read here to learn how to write effective marketing text messages. How to Write Marketing Text Messages Marketing text messages have become…

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