Sales and Marketing
Sales Pipeline: Quantity or Quality?
You probably think this is a trick question, the answer is obvious, isn’t it? Be careful before you respond too quickly…… Now, I’ve got you worried and wondering, particularly long time readers. Many of you…
Why Your Business Needs a Powerful Domain Name (and How to Choose One)
When you meet someone in person, you have less than a minute to articulate why your business exists and what it is you do. This is your elevator pitch… If you don’t nail your elevator…
Don’t Forget Your Media Mix
Back in the good old days, you could advertise in the daily paper, an outdoor board, on one of the local radio stations or one of three TV channels—a media mix. Today, of course, we…
What’s Better: SMS Messages or MMS Picture Messages?
The other day, I got a great question from a Betwext Pro User, Dave. He’s been using SMS marketing for some time. He’s had great success using texting to drive customers back to his chain…
SEO Tool Round-Up: 16 Tools We Love
SEO is an ever-changing landscape with new tools being developed and released all the time. We use tools to check and track rankings, QA when our clients implement recommendations, find new opportunities, pivot strategy, and…
Sales Coaching, One Size Never Fits All
Too often, our sales coaching, if we do it, really misses the mark. We tend to look at things the same way, coaching our people the same way—when what they really need may be very…
Low Tech But Effective
Looking for new customers? In today’s 24/7 plugged-in world, we tend to focus on the digital marketing tactics that are all the rage. Social media, SEO, and content marketing seem to get top billing of…
4 Automated Marketing Strategies That Grow Revenue
Starting a small business can be thrilling and intimidating at the same time. Managing your financials, employees, company image and pushing sales can be overwhelming—leaving little to no time for marketing endeavors. If you own…