Sales and Marketing
5 Tips to Increase Landing Page Conversion Rates
Increasing your landing page conversion rate requires some creativity and consistency with your original calls to action. The ideal landing page incorporates an attractive visual to draw in the user, with clearly presented value points that encourage a simple form submission.
10 Awesome Headlines that Drive Traffic and Attract Readers
If you don’t learn how to write a good headline, then the chances are you will have trouble attracting traffic to your website or blog. In a digital economy, that can cost sales, because you need readers to turn up to buy your goods and services.
Mastering PPC: Quality Score, Ad Rank, and Why They Matter
Search engines are really, really good at extracting every last bit of revenue of every search. We’re never going to fully understand Google or Bing’s algorithm or everything that goes into PPC pricing. What we can do is explore the fundamentals of how the PPC marketplace works, what factors we can control and how we can use them to drive down our CPC.
3 Most Common Marketing Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Make
Why do smart, hard-working people with good intentions crash and burn? It’s often a combination of factors, from co-founder conflict to funding issues and execution struggles. But at the core of it, businesses fail for one fundamental reason: they can’t sell their stuff.
Why Face-to-Face Networking Works Best
Because of my passion for networking—doing it, talking about it, teaching it, coaching it—I have lots of opportunities to chat with various people about how they view this important professional skill and how they go about growing their networks.
VIDEO: What is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?
A quick description of what Pay Per Click is, how it relates to traditional advertising, and why it matters to your small business.
Traveling to Conventions and Conferences: Smart Travel Tips
Traveling for work purposes like traveling to conventions and conferences can be quite a hassle, especially when you have to travel without advance notice. Last minute plans of traveling can make you forget essential items in a hurry or can even make you reach the airport late.
How Graphic Designers Are Missing the Boat on Branding
Graphic design firms have for years neglected a key space that can bring them a significant new stream of revenue. Most of this missed opportunity is due not understanding the opportunity of branding. For far too long, graphic designers have called developing logos “branding.”
Belief and Confidence: Critical for Sales Success
To be successful as sales professionals we have to believe in ourselves. We have to have confidence in working with our customers, in our abilities to bring value to and influence our customers.