Sales and Marketing

Creating a Content Strategy

A content strategy is your road map for managing content generated by your company. It can include information on the type of content and the medium used, as well as the timing of this content.

SEO No-Nos: These Techniques Will Destroy Your Reputation

We all know that the average web user is not likely to comb through lots of pages of search engine results to find what they want. The average web user probably won’t look past the second page of search engine results. That’s why you work so hard on your SEO—to make sure your site isn’t just indexed but that it gets ranked highly so people will actually see it.

Internet Marketing Magic for Lawyers

How are potential clients finding your legal services? Grass roots marketing, local listings, and paper ads are viable options, but digital opportunities await interested lawyers. What are some online options for those offering jurisprudence services?

Video Marketing: Does It Have a Place in Your Company?

If you have a small business, your marketing campaign needs video. Of all the ways you can sell your business, video is the most relatable, the easiest for viewers to absorb and retain, and the most likely to be passed from one customer to the next.

3 Ways to Market Like a Dog

Yesterday was International Dog Day. At least that’s what it says on my calendar. So, how to tie this annual event with marketing? Try this on for size…

3 Easy Ways to Start Writing an Ad

When writing sales copy, most people start with the headline. Why? Because the headline is the first thing to appear in the copy. And so the logic goes: Start at the beginning and finish at the end.

Your Elevator Pitch is Costing You Clients: Here’s How to Fix It

Defining what you do is way more difficult than doing what you do. Delivering the value to your client is easy—but being able to describe to a complete stranger what you do and how you do it, so that they are sufficiently impressed to want to hire you?

Increase Foot Traffic with Well-Designed Signs

Although they’ve been used for generations, signs are still excellent drivers of foot traffic to brick and mortar businesses. Signs should be a vital part of your offline marketing strategy to drive new customers and sales to your business.

5 Ways to Use Market Competition to Your Advantage

When envisioning and establishing my business, I focused on both short- and long-term goals. My short-term goal was to outgrow a local competitor’s annual gross sales. I knew I wanted to eventually compete with multimillion-dollar giants, but first, I needed to examine my strengths and their weaknesses.

Why Expand Your Business Internationally?

In the first part of a series on taking your small business international, I’d like to discuss why it might make sense to expand your business to a foreign country. Here are three reasons that inspire most businesses to develop a global strategy.

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