Sales and Marketing
Funnel/Pipeline Games
The funnel/pipeline is a fundamental tool for sales professionals and managers. It’s the tool that helps us understand whether we are on target to meeting our goals. I spend a lot of time looking at funnels. I’ve seen all sorts of issues and potential games (inadvertent and purposeful) that are played with pipelines. I thought I’d spend a little time on a few of them.
How Positive Thinking Can Ruin Your Marketing
Many believe that success depends on always thinking positively, blocking out negative thoughts and replacing them with certainty that you’ll get what you really want.
No More Hidden Agendas in Networking!
Hidden agendas have no place in Face-to-Face (F2F) networking. They’re false and are always found out. They waste people’s time and seriously undermine the whole concept of a reciprocal networking relationship.
Improve Sales by Taking Away Their Freedom
Common sense says increased variety and more freedom of choice will make people happier. But studies show it does the exact opposite. It actually makes them unhappy.
10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Email Open Rates
Did you know that customers who receive email marketing spend 83% more when shopping? That’s great news if you know HOW to get them to open your email in the first place. Here are a few key elements that you can focus on to effectively integrate email into your marketing plan.
Marketing Tips: The Power of Customer Testimonies
An important part of marketing is knowing how to leverage your current customer base in order to gain more customers. When people are thrilled with the work you’ve done, they will refer others.
Make ’em Laugh in Advertising Messages
I had always suspected that funny advertising messages would get the best response from target audiences. When I worked with the late comic actor, Leslie Nielsen, producing humorous TV and radio spots for a nonprofit disability organization, people thought I was nuts.
How Much Your Free WordPress Website Will Really Cost You
There are basically two options for building a WordPress website for your business. You could go with self hosting through for about $60 a year, or use for free. But before you jump at the free option, ask yourself: is it really free?