Sales and Marketing
Salesperson as Entrepreneur
When you think about it, sales people have an awesome amount of freedom—but also a huge amount of personal responsibility. In many senses, we really are entrepreneurs.
5 Content Marketing Tactics That Drive Traffic
If you ever wondered why some businesses seem to perpetually be able to keep online visitors interested, but you can’t figure out their secrets, chances are it has a lot to do with certain types of content.
How to Write a Sales Script That Won’t Annoy Your Customers
Sales scripts get a pretty bad rap because they are so closely related to cold calling, and cold calling is annoying. But these scripts can actually be pretty useful, as long as they’re written and used the right way.
Why Native Advertising is Taking Over
There’s a lot of talk going on in the online marketing industry about the seemingly imminent takeover of native advertising. Advertisers, publishers, bloggers, and affiliates all seem to be ready and waiting for the shift from traditional banner ads to sponsored content, expecting native advertising to really step into the spotlight in 2014.