Sales and Marketing
4 Things PR Can Do for Your Inbound Marketing Strategy
The inbound marketing revolution has changed the game of public relations. Gone are the days when publicists were condemned to make that unwanted cold call or write that not-so-newsworthy press release. Thanks to inbound marketing, PR is now more sophisticated and powerful.
Marketing Automation: Evil or Misunderstood?
When the subject of marketing automation comes up, many purists shake their head and talk about how robotic and impersonal it is. Well—if you do it badly, that’s very true.
The Next Best Thing to Controlling Our Brand
At our recent Speaker Certification Training for a group of our Certified Go-Giver Speakers, the following was pointed out: “Bob, you are really protective of your brand.”
Your Site Might Not Be Optimized for Humans: 7 User-Friendly Tips
Search engine optimization is a topic that comes up repeatedly for businesses of all sizes. For some small businesses, it can even be a make or break factor. Therefore, a topic of this importance deserves more attention than just blindly accepting the trends and buzzwords du jour.
3 Reasons Your Email Marketing is Failing
Email marketing has been a popular practice for many years and continues to be one of the most effective marketing techniques around. However, despite its unparalleled potential, many marketers often complain that their email marketing messages go unnoticed or unread.
Do Consumers Even Want Content Marketing from Brands?
Two contrasting content marketing studies have been published in the last few months: one by WP Engine/Taylor Nelson Sofres and the other by inPowered/Nielsen.
The Money’s in the Magazine: Why SMBs Need Print Marketing
While it may seem that this digital age has all but eradicated the necessity for in-hand marketing, print is not dead! There are several reasons why the smart business owner still invests in tangible print media. We’d like to share those reasons with you.
Do Google+ Social Annotations Improve My PPC Performance?
We all know that Google’s been pushing their social platform (if you can call it that), Google+, in recent years. Every marketing and branding agency will have their own opinion on the importance of having a presence on Google+, but I’m here to show you some stats on how it actually affects your AdWords performance.