Sales and Marketing

Engage Customers with an Incentive Program

Have you wondered what you can do to add some spice to your business and get customers excited to come back? Maybe you should consider an incentive program. I recently had a chance to chat…

How Long Until I Know if This Channel Works for Me?

Are you getting the best return on your online marketing spend? Probably not. Why not? Because it’s very likely that you are spending too much money on a suboptimal set of channels. Strong statement, I…

Top 5 Secrets to Winning Customer Loyalty

For a business to be successful, particularly small and mid-sized enterprises, there has to be a streak of happy and loyal customers. Simply put, having a steady and satisfied customer base is the key to…

How to Supercharge Your Headlines Using These 4 Tips: Part 1

So, you’ve got a great idea for a headline for your upcoming ad campaign. Now you just need to know how to write it and “supercharge” it so it really does its job of grabbing…

Losing Post Reach? Is Facebook Still Worth the Effort?

If you’re one of the millions of page owners suffering from a less than satisfactory post reach on your fan page, you might be wondering whether Facebook is still worth the effort. After spending countless…

5 Reasons to Pursue Inbound Marketing Even if Your Competitors Don’t

B2B tends to be pretty old school when it comes to marketing. For a long time, companies in this realm have built their empires from scratch to the behemoths they are now with only a…

Gift Cards: From Last Minute Gift to Best Seller

Once upon a time, you would buy a gift card as a present if you were short on gift ideas. It was generally a last minute thing, and it was convenient for a person short…

Finding Ideal Customers Using the Value Quadrant

Do you ever get an email from a prospect who asks question after question only for them to finally decide they’re not interested? You spent hours answering their questions, got excited about the possibility of…

3 Steps to a Successful First Periscope Broadcast

Twitter’s new live streaming app, Periscope, is quickly gaining popularity, especially with the online marketing crowd. Periscope’s recently released stats show their audience has grown to over 15 million registered users, and out of those…

Email Marketing is a Strong Influencer in B2C Buying

How’s this for a statistic? Nearly all (98%) of the more than 1,800 consumers polled are influenced by a marketing email to make a purchase! This a good indicator for small and medium businesses that email marketing…

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