Sales and Marketing
7 Proven Ways to Use Digital Signage in Your Small Business
You’ve probably been to your local fast food chain and noticed that they’ve switched to digital signage for displaying their featured menu items. And if you stop by big stores, you would notice that most…
8 Ways to Market to Customer Emotion as Well as Logic
The average business person fights a customer culture shift, rather than looking for it. For them, change means new risk and extra costs, but it also means new opportunity for growth. In fact, some of…
6 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website in 2017
Making a strong identity in the digital world is never easy. You might have a website with a simple design, which is functional and attractive, along with the content. But the crowd does not turn…
The Customer Buying Process is Not About You or Your Competition
I’m tempted to paraphrase the old Carly Simon song, You’re So Vain. Too often we think our customers’ buying cycles are about us, at least a choice between us and our competitors. The buying process…
9 Basic SEO Tips to Increase Traffic to Your Site
When it comes to SEO, you want to be as effective as possible. This is especially the case if you have a small business you want to successfully start. Search engines like Google use algorithms…
Why SMS Marketing Works When Email Doesn’t
Let me say this right up front. I hate email marketing… I really hate it. Why? Because it doesn’t work. Really, it doesn’t. I recently had the opportunity to review the email account of a…
You Name the Price; I’ll Name the Terms
I admit that my dad taught me this when I was just a fifteen-year old kid starting a business and negotiating with suppliers for the first time. But I learned it again and again in…
Influencer Marketing is Hot But Not New
Influencer marketing seems to be the “newest” buzzword in marketing. If you haven’t heard the term, here are some definitions to review: “Influencer marketing is the practice of engaging internal and industry experts with active networks…
How to Handle 5 Common Sales Scenarios
The most successful entrepreneurs are great salespeople. Have you ever seen Steve Jobs, Elon Musk or Mark Benioff presenting in front of thousands of people, all eagerly listening and buying into their vision? If Jobs,…