Sales and Marketing
3 Key Reasons Digital Marketing is Vital for Success
As more and more people habitually use internet services in their daily lives, the importance of digital marketing naturally becomes increasingly important for business success. While traditional forms of media are still a big part…
Script Your Home Show Open for a Powerful Start
If you don’t script the show open you are missing an opportunity to connect with your audience from the get go! First impressions are important during your show, just like they are when you meet…
The Recent Google Updates Every Site Owner Should Know
Every year, several times within a year, and even on a daily basis, Google rolls out updates and changes to its search algorithm, sometimes as many as 600 or more changes. While most of these…
How Are You Different?
I’m constantly amazed at the “sameness” of the majority of the prospecting I see. We inundate our prospects and customers with emails, social media outreaches, and phone calls that are virtually indistinguishable from those sent…
Visual Marketing Your Audience Will Respond To
While some content marketing tactics require more resources than others to deliver a significant return, visual content marketing is one of those areas that can be a cost-effective option for startups looking to get attention…
21 Lead Magnet Ideas to Pull in Your Top Prospects
If you aren’t optimizing your lead magnets, consider yourself guilty of gross mismanagement! But before we toss out 20-plus lead magnet ideas for you to test out, let’s quickly define what we mean by the…
Should We Kill Marketing?
“What if everything we know to be true about marketing is actually what’s holding back our business?” And in fact – “what if we realize we’ve invested the shipwreck of marketing?” An interesting way to…
7 Bold Predictions for Digital Marketing in 2018
Every year around this time I take a step back and to ponder some predictions for our field for the coming year. Some come to be, others are a few years early, and then there’s…