Sales and Marketing

Technology Only Gets Us So Far

I’m a great fan of much of many sales technologies. There are tools that dramatically improve efficiency. These allow us to get more accomplished, more easily and in less time. There are tools that give…

Could Marketing Be a Revenue Source?

Previously, I told you about the book, Killing Marketing, by Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose. Their premise is that marketing has evolved to the stage where it needs to be completely re-invented, and we need to…

5 Reasons Every Business Should Invest in Link Building

If you’re looking for a boost for your website, either in search rank or sales numbers, link building is going to be the strategy with the most potential by far. Link building is pretty much…

The Great Debate: Defining What Online (Content) Engagement Is

The term “engagement” or “content engagement” is tossed around the blogosphere and in publisher circles around the world. Many of the stakeholders can’t agree on what really defines engagement. Is it a click, a conversion,…

How to Get Verified on Social Media

A verified account, page, or profile is essential for brands, businesses, public figures and organizations that are on different social media platforms. It gives more credibility, which translates to trust and legitimacy of an entity….

Don’t Ignore These 4 Basics to Spend Your Marketing Budget the Right Way

Companies allot a budget for marketing depending on how much they are willing to pay. Big companies invest in advertising because they know they will reap enormous benefits in the end. They are also capable…

Prospects Want to Hear Your Story Before They Hear Your Pitch

I’m not an independent television producer, but I would wager that right now the holy grail among TV people is to produce a show that turns into a binge-watching sensation on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, or…

7 Crucial Reasons You Need SMS for Network Marketing

Let’s face it, SMS marketing is a great way to reach a large audience quickly. If you’re looking to improve your reach, here’s why you should be using SMS messages for network marketing. Network marketing…

Ignore These 5 Rules of Online Paid Advertising at Your Own Peril!

As businesses market by aiming to capture online and social media attention, there are a myriad of strategies which offer to help you attract the Internet at minimal cost. Many of these strategies such as…

5 Variables That Affect Retail Business Success

Anyone who has ever run a retail business knows that it can feel a little (or a lot) like a roller coaster. There are so many different factors that go into overall success of a…

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