Sales and Marketing

How “Sales Speak” Limits Us

Every profession has its own language. It’s a shorthand that enables people in the profession to more effectively and efficiently communicate with each other and to get things done. For example, finance types talk about…

How “Sales Speak” Limits Us

Every profession has its own language. It’s a shorthand that enables people in the profession to more effectively and efficiently communicate with each other and to get things done. For example, finance types talk about…

How to Market to Each Generation Differently

When you market to multiple generations, are you aware of their differing needs and desires? Even if you don’t always have the resources to target each one separately, it’s helpful to know what you’re dealing…

How to Use the Feel Felt Found Method

Whether you are ‘talking’ virtually or face to face, using the feel, felt, found method of communication will make you a more effective communicator. The effectiveness of your business conversations is key on the ability…

Google’s Scoring Tool and Your Local Business

Google’s tool is great news for small businesses that seek to improve their business websites and compete more effectively online., Google’s laudable initiative, has two components, Tests and Learning. You can test your website…

Learning from “Lazy” Salespeople

“Lazy” sales people are among my favorites—let me qualify that. “Lazy” sales people who always make their goals are among my favorites. “Lazy” sales people, or at least those who seem to accomplish a lot…

Want to Increase Brand Buzz and Customer Loyalty? You Need Experiential Marketing

Without a doubt, modern marketing is a numbers game. Likes, comments, shares and views are the currency of our now established digital world of business, the more we get, presumably the better our business is…

6 Top Reasons to Outsource Digital Marketing

When running any business, whether small or large, time is valuable and marketing your brand can take up so much of your time. If your time is limited, outsourcing your digital marketing to an agency…

The Do’s and Don’ts of Getting Started with Pinterest Advertising

In September 2018, Pinterest reported that 250 million people used the social platform every month, which is 25% more than the number of people who used Pinterest in September 2017. This year-over-year growth is astounding since Pinterest…

SEO Spam and Local Search Ranking

Is Your Business a Victim of SEO Spam? SEO spam is an example of negative SEO that blackhat SEO practitioners can deploy successfully against competitors and sometimes, even for their clients. When discovered by the…

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