Sales and Marketing

Why You Need Bulk SMS Marketing In 2021 And Beyond

Competition in e-commerce exploded with the pandemic and confinement, changing the way that online businesses interact with their customers. Now more than ever, it is essential to make sure that your customers return and purchase…

6 Best Marketing Strategies for a Remote Team

The year 2020 forced many of us to get web-based, and it was not a thing to come naturally. In fact, many employees and leaders alike had a difficult time with the transition. Employees had…

Got a Small Business? 5 Smart Ways to Increase Sales

Every small business depends on increasing its sales to drive revenue and support a healthy flow of cash. And your sales team is the best chance you have at growing your business and increase its…


8 Tips for Building a Successful B2B Influencer Strategy

The power of influencers is only increasing. With potential customers placing their trust in other customers far more frequently than in the company itself, it’s a mistake not to take advantage of the influencers in…


5 Tips to Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Thanks to the use of the smartphone, which is something more than 77% of Americans own, consumers can be almost anywhere and everywhere, all at the same time. From social media platforms and websites to…

3 Ways To Grow Your Customer Base

If you run a business, it has to have a solid customer base if it is going to be successful. Simply put, if you have no customers, you have no business. And if you have…

Using Customer Data to Improve Your eCommerce Offer

Making the most of your eCommerce platform is the key to success in modern retail. While it has the power to enhance your business capabilities and the holistic customer journey, one of the biggest assets…


Are You Properly Branding Your Business? 7 Ways to Tell

Having a correctly branded business is essential for reaching your customers, helping your profits and bolstering your marketplace resilience. It’s possible that your branding needs improvement, however. Here are some ways to determine whether that’s…

4 Underrated Skills to Reach New Clients

As a sales pro, it probably comes as no surprise to you that you are just as much a sales tool as the product or service you’re choosing to sell. When speaking with your audience…

A Look at the Ready-to-Drink Economy

The alcohol industry in the US is absolutely gigantic.   It provides over 4 million jobs and is responsible for $70 billion in tax revenue in an average year.  However, 2020, as we all know,…

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