Sales and Marketing
Google Testing New Layout for Mobile Local Search Results
Google has made it pretty obvious that it’s prioritizing mobile user experience this year. Over the weekend, I noticed an update to local results on my phone:
Perfecting the Sales Call
Sales calls can be one of the scariest things to learn as a new employee or business owner. But while a sales call is not always necessary and should only be used in the right context, getting it right is critical.
Getting the Picture with Visuals (and 5 Helpful Questions to Ask)
With the proliferation of mobile devices, it should be no surprise that platforms like Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest have made such an impact in recent years. Content is now easily captured, shared, and consumed unlike any time in human history.
Still Haven’t Embraced Content Marketing? Why Not?
Trends in digital technology are expanding the use of marketing methods beyond the strategies previously embraced, now referred to as “traditional marketing.”
“Dear Occupant or Current Resident…” More Horrible Prospecting
I’ve decided to write a periodic series about bad prospecting letters. This series, will focus on bad prospecting letters from people who should know better.
How to Attract People Who Are Ready to Work with You
Nearly everyone I speak with has the same issues and more often than not they experience frustration around people approaching them only to tell them they aren’t ready to sign up yet.
Plant Some Marketing Seeds
By the time a farmer is harvesting his crop, he’s already well into the planning of his upcoming planting season. We marketing types could learn a lot from those farmers.