Sales and Marketing
Valuing Time: Your Customers’ and Yours
Time is the only non-recoverable thing that each of us controls. We waste it, it’s forever lost. We waste our customers’/prospects’ time, we’ve cheated them out of their most precious commodity. We let our customers/prospects…
Crucial Elements to Creating and Marketing Successful Apps
Having a mobile app makes it easier for customers to engage with your brand, but it’s not as simple as most people think. Simply making an app for your company won’t guarantee its success. You’ll…
Gated Content
Whether you recognize the term or not—you’ve all seen and many of you have created gated content. That term refers to putting something on your website or landing page that people want and asking them…
What You’ve Always Been Doing Won’t Get You Where You Want to Be
I do dozens of business reviews with all sorts of organizations, globally. Many are struggling, they aren’t hitting their numbers—at least consistently. Or their markets/customers are changing, or their competitors are changing. They are all…
Why You Should Bid on Your Own Brand Terms
It’s a challenge for a business to achieve the performance and reach the goals you set for yourself in such a competitive PPC space. Who doesn’t want to increase ad performance and see the most…
4 Tips for Using Facebook Lead Ads
Do you need more leads for your small business? Do you want to generate qualified leads from Facebook? Well, the best way to use Facebook for lead generation is to use lead ads. A Facebook…
What to Do with Negative Business Reviews
No business wants negative reviews, warranted or not. In a time when consumers value reviews more and more, not only does it reflect badly on your business but Google, Facebook and co actively promote reviews…
3 Reasons Marketing Disruption Will Work for Your Business to Build Your Brand
Technology is changing everything, from manufacturing and construction to design and engineering—and it’s changing at what feels like a rapidly increasing pace. As a professional in one of those industries, you know this all too…