Sales and Marketing

How to Track Sales Calls and Increase Conversions

Whether you have an established business or a growing one, sales calls are an essential part of your success. According to a Bright Local survey, 60 percent of customers still prefer to call businesses as…

6 Elements of Customer Psychology Drive Buy Decisions

Many entrepreneurs think that adapting to the new technologies, like smart phones and Internet commerce, are the key to attracting new customers. In fact, businesses need to adapt even more completely to the changes in…

Take a Stand

How consumers interact with the companies they do business with, and their expectations of us evolve and are a direct reflection of our culture and core beliefs as human beings. That could not be more…

Google Expands Same Meaning Close Variants: What Does That Mean?

Just when you thought Google couldn’t make things more confusing – they done did it again. Google has just announced the launch of “same meaning” close variants to broad match modifier and phrase match keywords, in…

New Study: Why People Like Promotional Products

Does advertising really influence people to buy? Research proves it does, and the reason is so subtle that they may not even realize it’s happening. So says a new study conducted by PPAI Research that…

Cold Calling Never Went Out of Style

Recently, someone made a comment saying, “It’s interesting to see cold calling coming back into style…” The comment startled me, and I can see where the speaker was coming from, but I couldn’t have disagreed…

The Well Informed Buyer: How to Sell to a Customer Who Knows Everything

Selling was relatively easier when there was no internet or smartphones. Today, every claim that a salesman makes can be instantly verified by the buyer. At the outset, this seems great because no one can…

4 Simple Ways to Capitalize on Fitness in the Age of the Influencer

Fitness influencers are everywhere these days, and for good reason. Marketers are spending between $1,000 and $10,000 a year on influencer marketing, which means that the field is yours for the taking. Do you want…

The Top 7 Marketing Offenses I Abhor and Why

There are always going to be things in life that aggravate us. Sometimes, they’re minor offenses – like when men leave the toilet seat up, or when someone cuts in line. Depending on the day,…

These 7 Social Media Mistakes Can Dramatically Hurt Your Sales

The social media landscape has allowed smaller brands to exponentially expand their reach. It’s given them much easier access to audiences and the ability to engage and connect like never before. But as with most…

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