Sales and Marketing

Will Your Prospects Read a 10-Page Sales Pitch?

If I can put a compelling letter in your hands that talks all about one of your major interests, chances are you’ll read it. Doesn’t matter whether it’s five pages or 10 pages or 20-plus.

6 Unique Ways to Stand Out at Your Next Trade Show

Do you want to create strong, lasting connections with consumers and contacts at your next trade show event? Here are some simple, unique tricks you can use to consistently boost your effectiveness and confidence in trade show networking.

Small Business Brands Win with Boldness

When you’re seriously involved in branding small businesses, one clear thing you recognize is that small to medium size enterprises are hungry for a new approach. They’ve heard of branding through their trade publications and on the street.

SEO and the Future of Digital Marketing

Now that context is king, what does that mean for digital marketing? In a nutshell, it means you’ll be taking some of your focus off keywords and links, and placing it on reaching audiences with the right prospects at the right time. Here’s how.

Insight, Clarity, Execution

We all struggle to change, to do new things, to grow, to implement new strategies, initiatives, and programs. Too often, we and our customers fall short. We don’t quite achieve the goal, we change midstream, we abandon what we were seeking to achieve, pursuing something completely different.

Mobile Monetization Strategy Tips from Fluent

In a recent interview from AppNation in San Francisco, Jeff Pavelcsyk from Fluent talks to TheMail about Fluent’s mobile monetization strategies and examples. Fluent is known for both mobile app monetization and mobile web monetization.

More Proof Why You Can’t Ignore Your Online Self

An old African proverb says the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is today. That same logic applies: the best time to start your online presence is 10 years ago. The second best is today.

Three Cheers to Our Mentors: Helping Build Small Business Success

A mentor is someone who has been there before, done that before, and wants you to avoid the pitfalls and perils he or she experienced. Mentors are imperative to the success of any entrepreneur.

Make a Big Splash with a Little Cash in Your Online Campaign

There comes a point in every successful entrepreneur’s life when it’s time to wipe the sweat off the brow and re-strategize for future growth. Online business campaigns are no exception.

Why We Still Need Business Cards

The demise of the 3½ x 2? business card is a myth. If you’re working, you still need a business card. Why? Here are seven good reasons.

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