Sales and Marketing

Double Your Pinterest Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day

With more than 25 million users, Pinterest is one of the most popular social media networks. 47% of online shoppers in the U.S. have made purchases by on Pinterest recommendations, proving that Pinterest can be a great tool for your company. Use these tips to increase your following.

3 Ways Publishers Can Optimize for Conversions

Conversion rate optimization is the best way to increase revenues without increasing the amount of money being spent on advertisements. Here are three ways that publishers can increase conversions.

Is Your Website Sales Funnel-Shaped?

Remember that most buyers want to be pretty sure they’re going to buy before they speak to a salesperson or company representative. When they do reach out, they may have some final questions but they’re very close to making a buying decision.

Why is SoLoMo Beneficial for Business?

As a local business, you may have come across the term SoLoMo. The concept is a fusion of three separate, but equally important, elements of digital marketing: social, local, and mobile.

5 Quick Sales Tips

Don’t focus on closing the deal because when you build your customer base with a focus on simplicity, accessibility, education and service the outcome will be sales.

Show Me a Sign—One That REALLY Sells the Idea!

I recently saw a photo of a sign that—macabre as it was—no doubt brought some laughs. I immediately went into sales and marketing mode and thought of how perfect a message it was, including all the basic elements.

4 Smart Relationships That Will Accelerate Your Small Business’s Success

Building mutually beneficial relationships at the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey is essential. These relationships lead to new business ideas, long-term partnerships, growth, and an overall higher chance of success.

Double Your Instagram Followers in Just Five Minutes a Day

Instagram is quickly climbing the ranks in the world of social media with more than 150 million users, the majority of which are under the age of 35. Compared to Facebook’s 1 billion users and Twitter’s 500 million, it may not seem like much, but the number continues to rise. By following a few simple steps you can be on your way to more followers in no time.

Lots of Activity, But No Results!

Everyone I encounter is very busy. Virtually everyone I meet works long hours. Their schedules are filled with meetings, calls, all sorts of things. Many people seem to wear their “busyness” as a badge of honor.

Getting Tangled Up in Link Networks is a Bad Idea

Many webmasters (and not a few SEOs) are unsure exactly what a link network is. That hazy understanding can lead innocent site owners to pay money to unscrupulous types for a service that will bite them in the behind.

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