Sales and Marketing

How to Push Negative Reviews Down Search Engine Results Pages

Did you know that 75% of Internet users don’t bother scrolling past the first page of search results and consequently, the first five search results get over 75% of the clicks? So what exactly do…

An Entrepreneur’s Virtual Business Card

In the 21st century, we are all virtual entrepreneurs so we should have a digital or virtual business card! Many of the Cash Flow Show fans have asked me about the digital business card provided by Shuffle. There…

Why Your Advertising Dollars Should Go to Social Media Influencers

Back in the 1700s it took the royal family to convince people that Josiah Wedgwood’s pottery was pretty great stuff. In the 1950s you had television personalities telling people their brand of cigarettes was the…

8 Types of Content for a Great Business Blog

Raise your hand if this scenario is familiar: it’s Friday morning, and you still haven’t written the blog post for the week. It’s not that you don’t feel like writing it, it’s just that you…

Cold Calling is Alive and Kicking

Cold calling is alive—at least when you look at the number of posts proclaiming its death. Also, judging by the number of “cold calls” I get every day. It’s unfortunate that a discussion about cold…

May I Ask You a Question?

One of the biggest issues marketing and sales folks face is just getting on the radar screen of their prospects. Even when you have something of incredible value and you genuinely know the prospect needs…

Personal Branding Basics: The Content Question

“When you come to a fork in the road – take it.” – Yogi Berra While it may seem nonsensical from a logical point of view, Yogi’s advice applies exactly to the content you must…

Stay on Top of Your Seasonal Advertisements

For a glance at the latest in small business ad ideas, check out your local monthly magazine. Chock full of creative promotions, regional publications provide a variety of ad options, often with the promise of…

How to Incorporate Video into Your SaaS Marketing Funnel

Video holds a particular appeal, serves a specific need, and creates a unique competitive advantage for SaaS companies. You do not have to be a marketing expert to see the impact video has had on…

How to Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Social Selling

It is safe to assume that as a business owner, whether small or big, you are on LinkedIn. According to Fortune, LinkedIn now has more than 500 million users, including corporate executives, buyers and decision…

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