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The One Thing Holding You Back from Making It to the C-Suite

According to a survey on leadership development conducted by the Brandon Hall Group, 77% of organizations are currently experiencing a leadership skills gap. But you’re smart, qualified, and technically brilliant at what you do… So what’s…

6 Reasons Sustainability is More Than Just a Catchphrase

A green workplace makes everyone involved feel good. Your customers will appreciate buying from a company that cares for the environment. Your employees will feel a part of something bigger than themselves. You will know…

The 8 Most Disgusting Co-Worker Habits

Let’s face it: each of us have our own disgusting habits that we probably don’t even realize infuriate the people around us. Whether it be picking our nose, cracking our knuckles or chewing our pen,…

The Future of the Hemp Business

The 2018 Farm Bill legalized American production of industrial hemp, a non-psychoactive strain of cannabis sativa containing less than 0.3% THC. As hemp’s popularity increases, more than 1 in 4 Americans have consumed CBD to…

Change Your Management Style to Meet Today’s Culture

Change is hard. But these days it’s required and inevitable. Yet, in my daily role as an advisor to entrepreneurs and small business owners, struggling to boost revenues, profits, and earnings, I still see too…

The Upside to a Recession

When we talk about a recession, we don’t usually tell happy tales. We talk about struggles, cutbacks, and loss. If you were old enough to be in the workforce, own a home or business in…

How Much Do You Spend on R&D? Is It Enough?

Why do profitable, mature businesses die away? One of the most obvious reasons mature businesses die away—when we look in the rear view mirror—is that they did not spend to renew their product or service…

5 Mindful Wellness Tips to Increase Your Work Productivity

As technology increases and we have instant access to virtually anything we want to know about, it’s becoming more important to establish ways to tame your mind and help yourself stay focused. In a busy…

Load Up Your Bookshelf

I’ve been working in marketing and advertising since the mid-80s. When I started my career, I thought I had a lot to learn. It was nothing compared to what we all need to learn today….

“Nail It Then Scale It”: The New Mantra for Startups

I see more and more entrepreneurs who seem to have everything going for them—vision, motivation, passion, even a good business plan, product, and money, and yet they can’t close customers. Maybe it’s time to look…

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