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Internal Customer Service

Most people—even I am guilty sometimes—worry only about how customers of the business (external customers) are treated and put little emphasis on how the staff serves one another or their vendors (internal customers).

Agencies and the Culture of “Startup”

SEER is 12 years old this August. By definition, we’re probably no longer a startup, yet there is no other word that so accurately describes who we are.

First See It the Way It Is. Only Then…

There are certain natural laws of life. They are not necessarily good or bad. They just are. They are immutable; unchangeable.

What Does the CEO of the Future Look Like?

What do you think of when you picture the CEO of any company in your mind? I’ll bet it’s a stuffy-looking older man in a business suit, holding a leather briefcase and jabbering on a cell phone. A quick Google image search of the term ‘CEO’ proves my hypothesis.

The Importance of Corporate Vision

Few things inspire trust or hope like every member of a team working together towards a shared vision. A clear vision unifies and motivates.

8 Habits of Respected Businesswomen

Women get a bad rap in the work world, and we don’t have to look much further than pop culture for examples. Fortunately, executives like Facebook COO and Lean In author Sheryl Sandberg are fostering an important discourse that is reaching female and male executives alike to spark change.

You Are Your Company’s Culture: Three Essential Qualities

Have you worked for any large corporations? Some are great to work for; others make employees feel more like the number on their security badge than the smiling face on the badge.

5 Manageri-isms All Good Bosses Should Avoid

Business management is plagued with stereotypes. Managers are portrayed or seen as incompetent, aloof, or out of touch with the office. Just look at Lumbergh from Office Space, or the Pointy-Haired Boss in Dilbert.

How Small Businesses Can Save Green While Going Green

Greening your business is a smart move but it also can be an expensive one. Here are six ways businesses at every size can minimize their environmental impact while boosting the bottom line.

7 Ways to Encourage Knowledge Sharing Within Your Company

Sharing knowledge can be frightening for some people, especially if it is something new in an organization, so you can’t always count on it to just happen on its own.

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