Sales and Marketing
5 Reasons Guest Posting is Integral to Your Online Reputation
What comes to mind when somebody says “guest posting?” Guest means you are not a regular staff member, and posting means you are going to add something new. But this is not enough to explain…
Case Study: A Simple Method for Using Texting in Your Business
Last week I spoke to Debbie over the phone. She’s a new user of Betwext, and she’s using the system in a very simple way. I wanted to share this case study with everyone, just so you…
Google Discover: 3 Implications for Organic Search
Google Discover is not only changing the way users find information, but it’s changing the organic search landscape as well. The re-branded Google Feed is essentially a query-less search, providing users with results before a…
10 Common Design Mistakes…and How to Avoid Them
Design work is complex business. It’s far too easy to mess up. To create high-quality products, all of the small details are crucially important. Each detail must be taken into account. It can be easy…
Why a Great Web Experience Starts with a Wireframe
A good website is the front line of a business or brand. A user-friendly design can bring new customers, up your conversion rate, and give your users an overall satisfaction in their experience with your…
How Charity Can Boost Your Local SEO
Many local businesses freely give to local charities or non-profits. They do so for many reasons: the cause is near and dear to them, an employee or family member benefits from the charity, or they…
Infomercial Techniques Sell!
Did you ever watch an infomercial and by the time the show was almost over you were on the verge of ordering the product, even though when you started to watch you had absolutely no…
5 Best Practices for Turning New Customers into Loyal Customers
If you asked them, most small business owners would say that they’re focused on the “lifetime value” of their customers—but that’s probably because they think they’re supposed to. Despite claiming to keep this metric top-of-mind,…