Sales and Marketing

The Marketer’s Guide to Preparing Early for Christmas

The holiday season is so much more than December 25th. To get the full advantage of the Christmas rush, marketers need to start thinking about and developing holiday campaigns now. As one of the busiest…

21 Secrets Behind Viral Infographics

It’s no secret that infographic marketing works… 90% of information that’s transmitted to our brains is visual. So it’s not surprising that publishers who use infographics generate more traffic, shares and backlinks than those who…

Is Cold Calling Contrary to Being a Go-Giver?

A reader recently emailed me the following: “Hi Bob, I love being in sales and want to make a difference. The company I just started working for is very focused on cold calling, and closing…

How to Land Big-Name Contracts (Regardless of Your Company Size)

The secret to landing big contracts isn’t deeper pockets or more manpower—it’s getting prospects to trust you. Understanding this fact has not only helped our startup marketing company land on the Inc. 5000 list, but it…

Here are the Top Colors for Spring 2017!

Every time Pantone comes out with their top color choices, I like to share them with you. Even though the colors are more indicative of what we’ll see in fashion and home decor next spring,…

How to Win Millennials with Business Texting

Seven years ago, I was tired of waiting in long lines at my favorite local coffee shop for my “single shot, soy mocha, two pumps, no whip” and thought there had to be a better…

The Biggest Problem Freelancers Have Today

Do you have a side hustle? Yes, a side hustle. For those of you in the dark, a side hustle is the modern day name for moonlighting. It’s having a freelance job, a side gig,…

We’ve Met the Enemy: It’s Us

“We have met the enemy and he is us,” first appeared in the Pogo comic strip by Walt Kelley on April 22, 1970. File this post under the, “Isn’t it ironic category.” For those who…

Online Reviews: The Value of 5 Stars to Your Business

A rising number of consumers are looking toward online reviews to help them decide what products, services, and companies to spend their money on. This means that businesses are now scrambling, dedicating resources toward establishing…

The Art of Selling to Women

Last week, we talked about the science of selling to women and how our brains differ by gender and how that affects buying patterns and decision-making. So this week, I thought it would make sense to take…

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