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How Custom Career Paths Can Increase Your Retention, Revenue, & Efficiency

Three months ago I began a custom career path at Seer Interactive so I could follow my dreams of working remotely while traveling the world. It took three months of research and 100 hours to…

Healthy Employees are Happy Employees

Everyone knows that happy people make good employees. They are more productive, take fewer sick days and make a manager’s job that much easier. But what does it take to make them happy? That’s the…

Mastering the Drunk Driver of Your Mind

Being authentic doesn’t mean that you refuse to grow, or that you remain a victim of your biases, shortcomings, and inclinations. It means taking the correct actions to improve; becoming a better, more effective, truly authentic version…

Compound Interest in Business

Albert Einstein said that the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest and it is either working for you or against you! Well, it’s February… How are your business resolutions holding up? Hopefully…

6 Clear-Cut Reasons to Learn Chinese

China has one of the biggest world economies and it has continued to grow in recent years. This makes China a crucial player in the business world. For example, Mark Zuckerberg has recently showed off…

What if You Come Across Juicy Competitor Information?

Many of us belong to industry associations and find ourselves at conferences and trade shows with time to spend with competitors. Some of these are old friends; some even former associates. It is natural to…

The 3 D’s That Kill Businesses: Debt, Divorce, and Death

Hardly anyone creates a company while also imagining the worst possible thing that could happen to it. Instead we envision success, milestones, and creating revenue for both the business and for your family. But unfortunately,…

What’s Your Bell Curve Look Like?

We tend to think about organizational performance in terms of “bell curves” or some sort of distribution curve. The typical bell curve looks something like this: The performance of our people is on the X…

Bye-bye Boomers! Adios Gen Xers! Millennials in Management

As we look toward the coming year, I think it’s a good time to take a “long view” of how we are assimilating Millennials into our companies. The position of Millennials in the workforce is…

Servant Salespersonship

Some of the more cynical (or perhaps worn down) of you will misread the title, thinking, “Dave, we’re already slaves to our jobs, managers, companies. What are you doing?” I’m really thinking about applying the…

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