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Can You Power Your Business with Renewable Energy?

Here’s something you need to know about your next group of customers, Generation Z: they’re worried about the environment. In a 2017 study, 89% of Gen Z participants indicated that they would prefer to buy…

How to Fill Your Tanks to Propel You Through the Day

Are you a morning person? I don’t think there’s any doubt that productive mornings are a recurring theme among the most successful individuals, so I always like to read recommendations about ways to squeeze the…

A Former Skeptic Explains Why Conscious Capitalism Could Save the World

I am a convert. But it took a while. Even though my friend Rajendra (Raj) Sisdodia is the co-author (with John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods) of the best-seller Conscious Capitalism, I was skeptical of their…

Communicating Your Vision Clearly to the People Who Matter

It isn’t enough to come up with a kickass vision for your organization or business idea. One other important piece of the puzzle is being able to communicate your vision clearly and effectively to the…

5 Simple Steps to Boost Your Sales Reps’ Selling Power

For small businesses, sales is often among the top challenges—so implementing sales enablement processes may get punted down the to-do list. In fact, for many small businesses sales enablement feels like a luxury akin to…

5 Ways to Encourage Collaboration in the Workplace

It’s no secret that technology has revolutionized the way we work. Thanks to mobile technology, it’s easier than ever before for people to get up from their desks and collaborate anywhere in the workplace. Not…

3 Life Lessons I Learned the Hard Way

Some of us discover our purpose in life at an early age. It might be writing, playing the violin or the driven and passionate artist. That is unusual and rare. And they are the lucky…

On Professionalism

How would you feel if you walked into a dentist’s office, and everyone in the office had terrible/rotting teeth? Would you hire a contractor whose tools are rusted or broken?  Or a landscaper whose yard…

Can You Balance These Two Opposing Requirements for Business Success?

Are you a fan of the KISS – keep it simple, stupid – approach to life and business? I love it when situations, challenges, or problems can be boiled down to the proverbial brass tacks and as…

Businesses with a Higher Purpose Also Increase Profit

Many entrepreneurs still don’t understand that building a business culture today of doing good, like helping people (society) and planet (sustainability), is also a key to maximizing profit. Employees and customers alike are looking for…

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