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Why Your Business Needs a 90-Day Plan

The economy is booming, and businesses everywhere are thriving, but many small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs aren’t making good use of today’s bounty to invest in tomorrow. As long as you have some extra…

Want to Be a Better Entrepreneur and Leader? Build a Better Morning Routine

As an entrepreneur, you’re probably tired of hearing about the importance of early morning gratitude sessions. It seems like everyone has ‘the one simple trick!’ you need to add to your routine to thrive in…

Small Business Survey Reveals Areas to Gain a Competitive Advantage

A recent survey of 1,794 small business owners revealed expected—and unexpected—results, some of which can help you find ways to better competitively position your business in the coming months and years. The first finding that…

How Important is Communication in the Workplace?

Workplace communication is vital for any business to run successfully. It doesn’t matter if you’re offering a trade, you sell stock online or you’re a logistics company. Without an effective communication strategy, your business will…

Self-Leadership: A Prerequisite for Teamwork

Building effective teams requires building self-leaders. Let’s start with teams first. Is it better for organizations to be more like a natural (wild) garden or an orchestra? One of these models is not better than…

Learn to Never Handle a Paper or Email Twice

We all do it… to our own detriment. So, let’s make a pact that we will try, if not succeed, to handle our incoming messages more efficiently. Personal time management helps immensely to make a…

Be a Leader Who Makes Employees Love Their Jobs

Well, okay, you can’t really force everyone to love their job, but you can certainly create a culture and environment that nurtures and supports your employees and gives them every reason to enjoy their work….

3 Ways to Ease into Industrialized Construction (It Pays to Be Diligent)

“Industrialized” construction may not exactly sound fun to longtime contractors and builders who relish the craft aspects of their trade. But the adoption of industrial, prefabricated, and manufacturing techniques by construction firms is an emerging…

5 Helpful Tips to Optimize Your Employee Schedule

An essential part of running any business is taking the time to schedule employees effectively. However, for many employers, the process is often disorganized, time consuming and in some cases, downright frustrating. Shift scheduling is…

The Secrets to Resilience

“There’s only one thing that’s worse than having an unhappy childhood, and that’s having a too-happy childhood.” – Dylan Thomas Research shows that the majority of successful people had a tough start to their lives. But…

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