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Don’t Make These 4 Mistakes About Employee Engagement

If you want to build a successful, growing business, you need to create a high-functioning, motivated, and productive team that stays engaged month after month. There are multiple ways to do this, but unfortunately, many…

How to Empower More Young Women for the STEM Field

Men primarily dominate the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) industry. The ratio of women to men in these fields is highly unbalanced. Engineering and science are two of the most heavily dominated STEM fields…

How to Ensure Successful Change Management for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you may tend to prioritize finance; however, one important thing that will ensure your business thrives is to enhance stronger workplace culture. What makes or mars a business is the…


What Does It Mean To Be a Responsible Business Owner?

The first thing you need for your business to succeed, is to consistently be a responsible owner. This involves many different skills. From keeping a stern eye on finances to communicating and understanding employees, a…

4 Fun Ways to Surprise Your Staff Before the Holidays

The holidays are almost here. Surprise your staff with something special. No idea how to go about it? Then don’t worry and read on. This article will help you surprise your staff in a fun…


Going Green? Here’s How eBay’s Doing It

E-commerce giant eBay is working to integrate environmental best practices to support a healthier planet for both their community and the generations to come.  They recognize that climate change is not a problem they can…

4 Great Ways to Reward Your Employees

Staff benefits and incentives are extremely important. They can help to motivate your team and improve office morale. When your employees feel valued at work, they are more likely to have a positive attitude. A…

How SMEs Can Help Employees Save for Retirement

Small and Medium Sized Businesses (SMEs) are major employers. While large corporations are more likely to make the headlines for their employment practice, SMEs actually employ a higher percentage of the workforce.  Many people associate…

6 Best Methods For Employee Training

Companies around the globe are in fierce competition these days. All of them want to have as many clients as possible, as much business they can get, and make as much profit as they can….

How To Establish a Fair Recognition Program for Your Small Business

Recognition is an innate human desire. We want to be celebrated and appreciated, especially at work. However, developing a successful recognition program for your small business is an intricate process. A fair recognition climate is…

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