Luke Britton

Luke Britton writes frequently on business, economics, and marketing.


a business leader taking time to mediate in an effort to remain present

Mindfulness and Leadership: Why Being Present Matters

In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship, where challenges abound and opportunities are fleeting, leadership is paramount. Seasoned entrepreneurs, armed with decades of experience and expertise, navigate the intricacies of business with a blend of intuition,…

video cameras pointed at a man giving an interview to a group of reporters

How a PR Degree Develops Critical Decision-Making Abilities

In the fast-paced world of public relations (PR), strategic thinking for entrepreneurs is not just a valuable skill—it’s a necessity. PR professionals are often at the forefront of shaping public perception and making critical decisions…

a businessperson planning a route through a city using technology

How Delivery Route Software Drives Innovation in Logistics

In modern commerce, logistics is the lifeline that keeps businesses thriving. It’s all about the delicate art of seamlessly moving goods from one place to another, maintaining a balance between supply and demand. Amidst this…

a stylized illustration mixed with a photo showing different facets of marketing strategy

5 Steps to a Privacy-Focused Marketing Strategy for Your Online Business

This year is particularly noteworthy due to significant privacy shifts, including Chrome’s planned discontinuation of third-party cookies by late 2024 and evolving privacy legislation. Against this backdrop, formulating a marketing strategy that is privacy-focused is…

business people shaking hands

Securing Funding: Ensuring Safe Transactions with Your Broker

Are you looking for ways to protect your financial investments? Are you concerned about the security of your transactions when trading with a broker? If so, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll look at…

a hand holding gold coins highlighting the importance of investing

SMSF Investments in Startups and Venture Capital

The Allure and Risks of SMSF Investments in Emerging Ventures The landscape of self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) is rapidly evolving, with an increasing focus on diversifying portfolios through investments in startups and venture capital. This…

Don’t Let Drowsy Driving Impair Your Business

“Driving while sleepy,” or drowsy driving, can be deadly. According to estimates from the National Sleep Foundation, drowsiness behind the wheel could be responsible for over 6,000 deaths each year. There’s also data from the National Highway…

AWS cloud migration

How to Choose the Right AWS Cloud Migration Strategy

Increasingly more organizations across industries are switching to the cloud to cut IT costs and improve productivity. According to PwC’s 2023 Cloud Business Survey, 78% of organizations have already adopted cloud into their tech stacks….

dev ops collaborating with a consultant

Scale Your DevOps by Collaborating with Consultants

DevOps has the potential to transform IT organizations, but it can also be a challenging and complex environment to scale. In this post, we’ll discuss why you may need to scale your DevOps for growth,…

analyzing data

Navigating Digital Transformation in Capital Markets

A technological revolution is sweeping through the revered halls of capital markets in the complex world of finance, where every second counts and accuracy is crucial. The capital markets sector is being redefined by digital…