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Leadership Lessons from Business and Sports Winners
In order to cope with such stressors and thrive amidst the hustle and bustle, a successful business leader should be equipped with certain skill sets.
5 Crucial Leadership Lessons from a Working Mom
I have been an executive director for 10 years, a mom for three, and I have a lifetime of work ahead of me. Five key things have helped me get to where I am today and will continue to guide me in the future:
Critical Qualities of a Top Manager
In business we are only as successful as the people we hire. And while our front-line employees are critical to our business, choosing the right managers can have significant impact on our success.
5 Hacks to Build a More Productive Environment in 2014
Giving the processes that drive your company regular tune-ups will keep your team productive, motivated, and satisfied over the course of the year. Here are five straightforward hacks to make your team more productive in 2014.
37 Ideas for Motivating Your Employees
A good job is hard to find, but every entrepreneur knows a good employee is even harder to keep. As an entrepreneur, one must ensure his or her company is staffed with people who look forward to coming to work every day for more than a paycheck.
10 Supervisor Mistakes—and How to Avoid Them
Supervisors are often the front line for shaping employee engagement and productivity as well as overseeing compliance with workplace policies like time tracking and leave of absence requests. Mishaps in these areas can create a lot of headaches for employers.
Ready, Aim, Fire. Really?
You’ve surely heard the variations on this theme. “Ready, fire, aim” was popular in the 1990’s, accredited to any of several authors. So why do so many business-book authors stress the opposite behavior?
Smart Leaders Make Smart Investments in Their Employees
Smart leaders invest in the talent of their employees. Talented employees make businesses succeed and they add value to your company—great leaders recognize that.
When All Else Fails, Trust Your Brand!
We all have good days and bad days. What do you do when that stretches to weeks and months? Try determining the true reason for the slow-down before you take knee-jerk reactions.