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10 Skills an Entrepreneur Needs to Get Things Done

Getting things done effectively in a startup requires total individual and team accountability. You can’t afford excuses and multiple people doing the same job.

8 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement

How many of your employees are engaged? How many are enthusiastic about their jobs? Happy and engaged employees tend to be more productive and committed to their work, which can ultimately help drive business success. In this Tip, we offer 8 best practices for improving employee engagement.

Get Your Presentation on with These Hot Tips

These steps can help fine tune your presentations if you haven’t already incorporated them into your style. They’re not major innovations but a reminder of the basics you can add or revisit in your next set of presentations.

Collaborative Decision-Making on Startup Teams

Decision-making on startup teams presents no shortage of potential pitfalls. Decisions may take forever to make. Or team members grow frustrated when they are left out of the process of making a decision. Or decisions are made but not executed and then get revisited. Sound familiar?

3 Myths About Successful Startup Cultures

We’ve all read the stories about the hot new startups making waves in their industry—and how they’re doing it from colorful beanbag chairs in a once-destitute warehouse on the south side of town.

How to Tackle Your First Year as an Entrepreneur

We’re about two weeks into the New Year and I’ve already seen a quarter of my Facebook friends declare that “2014 is gonna be my year!” Let’s hope such is the case for all you entrepreneurs out there!

How to Motivate Your Team at Work

Thanks to the likes of David Brent, it’s easy to see team motivation as excruciating at worst and slightly cringey at best. But if you’re in charge of a group of people then it’s your responsibility to commit time and effort to ensure they’re happy and productive.

The Power of Parables

If you have real stories that demonstrate behaviors you want to see modeled in your organization attributes, especially when imbued with emotional impact, they are priceless.

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Communication?

As leaders, we all understand the undeniable power of communication. While it’s important to build a culture of communication within your business, it’s equally important to understand its limitations, and when it can actually start to work against us. This is what it means to be an effective communicator.

4 Principles of High Productivity

In a time of constant movement, constant communication, continual achievement, and an ongoing list of to-dos, at the end of the day we feel we’ll never get ahead. It seems like our days are controlling us, rather than us controlling them.

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