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Engage and Honor Employees for a Happy and Trustworthy Brand – Part 2
Last week in Part 1, we looked at how unhappy employees can affect your brand. Every employee touchpoint conveys your brand to customers. So, how do you create internal customer (employee) centrism?
5 Easy Ways to “Green” Your Business
Experts estimate that almost three-fourths of American waste is recyclable, but only one-fourth is recycled. However, more and more consumers are concerned about corporate responsibility
Engage and Honor Employees for a Happy and Trustworthy Brand
Whether you work for a small business or nonprofit organization, its brand determines its success. Every touchpoint conveys the brand to customers. And, who’s in charge of touchpoints? Employees!
Negotiate Properly to Secure a Beneficial Agreement
When your company or startup doesn’t make a good profit and you barely have any negotiating leverage, conventional negotiation rules don’t apply.
How to Delegate to Boost Your Small Business Growth
Absent of delegating many of the jobs within your business, the only way to grow the top line is to raise your prices. You could increase sales, but to achieve that in any great measure, you would have convert more prospects, which will take more people.
Here’s Why KPIs Are Linked to Your Success
KPIs are tools that organizations use to define, measure, monitor and track its performance over time toward the attainment of its stated organizational goals.
How to Make Meetings More Productive (and Keep Your Team Energized)
We’ve all had them: Unproductive meetings. They’re frustrating to everyone involved. These types of meetings leave people feeling drained, irritated, and overwhelmed.
Why a Retreat is Good for Your Business
Small business owners can improve productivity by investing in a company retreat. A retreat is an opportunity to engender creativity—a time to remove your nose from the grindstone and lift your head up.
How to Foster Productivity Through Communication and Transparency
I left the first company that I founded. My co-founder and I had different values, and without realizing it, we created two disconnected cultures within the same company.
5 Simple Steps to Executing the Plan
It is all about execution. Waiting over a year to see results is too long, since your chance of mid-course correction is greatly reduced. To make the point, Harvard’s Robert Kaplan believes that less than 10% of corporate strategies are effectively executed. Ouch!